Net-Zero by 2025

At Franklin Energy, we have been supporting energy and water conservation in communities across the nation for years, and our formalized sustainability efforts follow established protocols related to environmental, social, and governance standards.

Our four core focuses:

Ensuring safety, health, & security

When it comes to both clients and our own employees, our key priorities are safety, health, and security, as well as customer privacy. Our safety record is a testament to our strong safety culture, where we conduct regular trainings on driving, job site behavior, cyber security, and more.

Championing our people

Championing our people means ensuring that our employees, suppliers, and partners are treated with respect and given the tools they need to advance our shared goals and values. Leveraging an inclusive and welcoming culture is critical to how we operate as an organization, and it is equally important to our clients.

Enabling the clean energy transition

Our business is helping our utility partners and their customers save energy as part of the transition to a net-zero future. Over the lifetime of the water- and energy-efficient measures we installed in 2021, our clients and utility customers will save 22 billion kWh of electricity and 1.6 billion therms of natural gas. Together, these savings result in a net reduction of 1,600,00 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Building strong communities and local economies

In our partnerships with utility clients, we not only transform the ways customers use electricity, natural gas, and water; we create jobs and economic activity that build healthier communities and boost local economies. We also remain cognizant of our supplier impact and the way their technologies and services affect local communities.

Want to dive deeper into our environmental impact?


Check Out the 2024 Community Impact Report

In 2023, our 1,200 energy efficiency experts served over 3.2 million customers.

Our programs in local communities created economic activity worth $750 million and created 4,000 new jobs.

Our work through our client utilities in 2023 resulted in the reduction of 23.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Car parked in front of home with EV charging unit


We are in the golden age of energy transformation and have fully embraced our role in it.

Bridgid Lutz, Director of Sustainability

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